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January 22 - Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn

Forty-six years ago today, abortion became a legal right in the United States. Since that day, over 60 million children have been lost, not to mention the countless generations that would have followed.

Abortion is a scourge upon our nation, our world. It destroys the life of the innocent and defenseless child within the womb as it tears away at the minds and hearts of mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters and heaps darkness and death upon those who perform, assist, fund and support it.

Remember today in your thoughts the "unwanted" unborn - no child is unwanted for he is created by God Who intended the creation of that child from all eternity. Remember, too all those who have been involved in abortion in any way that they may receive the light needed to change direction and choose life. Pray for our nation that one day abortion will become unthinkable. Before the day is through, resolve to help this end tragedy, the civil rights crisis of our day.

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